This symbol came to me in a vision. I was in a men's group in Austin, Texas, in 1985. We were doing a group breathwork session on prosperity and as I completed, this symbol and an open palm appeared as if before me. I recognized the symbol as being Asian, but could not see any more meaning in it. Afterward I couldn't remember the symbol accurately enough to draw it.
A few days later I was getting cranial work, and seeing my therapist was knowledgeable in Chinese Medicine, I asked him. He told me that it was a reiki symbol. I didn't know what reiki was until that moment; two weeks later, the family with which we were staying hosted a reiki teacher visiting from California. Reiki is a technique of opening channels for receiving and transmitting healing energy through the hands and through intent. The '-ki' in 'reiki' means chi, life energy. According to reiki tradition, these symbols are revealed only to advanced students by instructor or revealed in dreams. The visiting instructor refused to show me the symbol I described to her. This symbol I have never since seen elsewhere, although I have seen similar.
I was finally able to draw this symbol years later when I met Alex Champion, author of Earth Mazes. Realizing the design was a labyrinth, I now could draw it on the floor and run on it! In walking or running a labyrinth, the vestibular ear stimulates the unity of the brain hemisphere. The symbol represents the brain with its convolution, its symmetry, and the stem and fore pieces. Much later I found a similar symbol in Chinese Alchemy: The Taoist Quest for Immortality by J.C. Cooper.
Numerologically, the symbol is drawn on a grid of 50 x 50; the axis of symmetry is equivalent to 13. There are 32 turns and one cycle equals 188 steps. Use this symbol as a mandala for meditation on the perfection of the whole physical body.