Colors for Color Therapy Gazing

I wanted to see what Amalfi green looked like on my computer screen, so I created
Enter a color code into the dialog box.
Amalfi #A9DFBF
Or do indigos
Indigo: #4B0082
Deep Indigo: #310062
Electric Indigo: #6F00FF
Blue Indigo: #3F00FF
Vivid Indigo: #9F00FF
Look at any/ all the colors, to feed your eyes and brain. To enter an expanded state, gaze at a barely visible gray (code 333333) in a dark room.

What colors do you love? Which do you lack? Would you like a chakra activation? Each chakra corresponds to a color. Wanting to balance the energy of a room? Re-balance the colors.

hex color codes chart

Chart image via